How to set voting strategies
Here are instructions for setting up the most common Snapshot strategies
Voting power = balance of ERC721 tokens
This strategy fits most of the current Superdao DAOs with membership NFTs
1. To set it up, you need your NFT smart contract address. You can find it on Opensea. Just tap on NFT on Opensea, then scroll down to the Details section, and open it. Here you will see the link to the NFT smart contract on Etherscan or Polygonscan, depending on the chain you are using.
2. Copy the NFT smart contract address and go to Snapshot.
3. Open the settings of your space. Scroll down to Strategies and click Add strategy. Then pick ERC721 v0.1.0 strategy, paste the copied contract address, and choose any name as a symbol (you can edit it later).
4. That’s it! Now you can check how it works by creating a test proposal.
Voting power = balance of ERC20 tokens
1. To set it up, you need your token contract address. Depending on the chain you use, you can find it either on Etherscan or Polygonscan.
2. Copy the token contract address and go to Snapshot.
3. Open the settings of your space. Scroll down to Strategies, click Add strategy, and pick erc20-balance-of strategy. Then paste the copied contract address and choose any name as a symbol (you can edit it later). Don’t forget to pick the right Network for your token. Choose Decimals. Usually, it’s 6 or 18.
4. That’s it! Now you can check how it works by creating a test proposal.
Last updated